Vetyverso, crafted by the esteemed Lucien Ferrero, is a fragrance that captures the essence of wanderlust and the vibrant olfactory landscapes encountered in distant lands. Inspired by a memorable journey to the Antilles, Ferrero recollects the olfactory power of this enchanting region, where the virile and woody notes of Vetiver roots flourish on the slopes of volcanoes. This scent evokes mornings aglow with the zest of citrus fruits and afternoons filled with the air vibrating from noble and precious spicy scents. Vetyverso is born from these vivid memories, offering a fragrance that trails decisively and intriguingly behind its wearer.
Vetiver, a noble root known for its beneficial properties and its ability to ward off negative energy, stands at the core of Vetyverso’s olfactory story. Once a signature essence of the seventies and eighties, Vetiver returns in Vetyverso to showcase its timeless elegance. The fragrance embodies the dual nature of Vetiver—both green and woody—bringing to light its full character. This is complemented by the bright, uplifting presence of citrus scents, while spicy notes lend a sparkling complexity, crafting a fragrance that resonates with both men and women.
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